Universal Tcpip.sys Patch, V1.2 Build 20090409
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Support OS: Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/Windows 7, All SP*, All 32bit (x86) / 64bit (x64)
Notice: The newest Windows Vista/2008 SP2, Windows 7 is unlimited in default, please read this article:
Say Bye To Half-open TCP Connections Limit In Vista/2008 SP2
2009.04.09 V1.2.0.12
Download Link 1: UniversalTcpipPatch_20090409.zip
Download Link 2: UniversalTcpipPatch_20090409.zip
Additional language files:
Russian by MikeChirkov: utp_RUS.zip
Spanish by XaviForce: utp_ESP.zip
Increase the limited value of half-open (incomplete outbound) TCP connection.
"Universal Tcpip.sys Patch" is a File Patch. It direct modifies the file tcpip.sys on hard disk.
"Universal Tcpip.sys Patch" will sign tcpip.sys with a Test Certificate, so it is a patch without press F8 key.
If you want to modify Tcpip.sys in memory, you can choose another tool "TCP-Z".
More information about tcpip.sys File Patch, you can visit:
TCP/IP Patcher Compare Technical Features
How to make a tcpip.sys patch without press F8
The meaning of the last number of checksum:
1 - Original file, without any modification.
3 - The file has been modified, but with a test certificate.
9 - The file has been modified, but not repair signing.
Windows XP does not compare the signing, don't worry.
1) In 32-bits and 64-bits Vista / Windows 7, testsigning must set to on, don't try to disable it.
If "Test Mode" exists on the desktop, you can run "mcbuilder.exe" again to rebuild MUI cache. Or apply the patch once again.
2) In the Windows Server Edition, you can also find the limited value. However, this value is not active; the server will not compare this number.
2009.01.22 V1.0.0.5
+ First release.
Download Link 1: UniversalTcpipPatch_20090122.zip
2009.01.22 V1.1.0.6
* supports Windows Vista SP2 RC v.275, 6.0.6002.16659.
2009.04.09 V1.2.0.12
+ UI support Multil language. Polish by PrEzi, thanks!
* Remove last space in user32.dll.mui.
* Increase the range of searcher, supports Windows 7 6.1.7077.0 (winmain_win7rc.090404-1255), x86.
Support new OS:
Vista SP2 6.0.6002.18003 (lh_sp2rtm.090403-1730)
Vista SP2 RTM 6.0.6002.18005 (lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830)
Posted by deepxw at 22:16 | 258 comments
Labels: Patcher, Universal Tcpip.sys Patch
A Tcpip.sys File Patch is being developed
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Some times, it needs a tcpip.sys File Patch, because:
Some people can't use TCP-Z caused by antivirus software;
And some people like to File Patch.
Now I have to create a tcpip.sys File Patch, it will be available at some time later.
Posted by deepxw at 11:06 | 85 comments
How to make a tcpip.sys patch without press F8
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A friend of mine asked me, how to make a Vista tcpip.sys File Patch not needing press F8 key.
This is not difficult, just sign tcpip.sys with a test signature.
More information about tcpip.sys File Patch, you can visit: TCP/IP Patcher Compare Technical Features.
Here is detail of patch tcpip.sys with test signature, perhaps these will help you.
1) All operation needs "Run as Administrator".
2) Set testsigning to on:
All tcpip.sys File Patch must do this; otherwise, BSOD will occur after tcpip.sys has been modified.
After Testsigning on, "Test Mode" will dispaly in the 4 corners of desktop.
You can get rid of it through modify "user32.dll.mui". The string ID is 738 & 723.
3) Reboot, check if testsigning is on correctly. (This step is optional.)
You can check it by bcdedit, or check it in the registry.
4) Modify half open connection limited value in file "tcpip.sys".
First, make a temporary copy of tcpip.sys for modify.
You can disassemble tcpip.sys and get the limited offset.
In tcpip.sys, asm code like this:
NT5: mov _ActiveOpenProgressThreshold, 0Ah
NT6: cmp edx, 0Ah
NT5, you can set new value up to 0xFFFFFFFF.
NT6, new value is up to 0xFF! Only 1 byte available for use!
If you are a lazy guy, you can get these offset by the TCP-Z tool. In "patch" tab, you can get the limited offset.
Default, TCP-Z does not show the file offset.But you can run tcpz.exe with argument: tcpz.exe -showoffset.
5) Re-Checksum tcpip.sys.
You can use setcsum.exe.
Or do it in your program by API CheckSumMappedFile().
6) Create a test certificate by the makecert.exe tool.
Makecert -r -pe -ss PrivateCertStore -n "CN=TcpipCert" tcpipcert.cer
7) Sign tcpip.sys with the signtool.exe.
signtool sign /a /s PrivateCertStore /n "TcpipCert" tcpip.sys
You can verify the signature of tcpip.sys:
signtool verify tcpip.sys
Because our signature is not a valid signature, so signtool will report "File not valid".
If returns "A certificate chain processed", it means the Test Signature is OK.
8) Now copy the temporary tcpip.sys to driver folder, overwrite the original tcpip.sys.
Before copy, takeown and icacls tcpip.sys is required.
9) All done, restart your computer to take effect!
Posted by deepxw at 18:00 | 62 comments
Labels: Patcher
Incorrect Tcpip.sys will cause TCP-Z not work properly
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sometimes, the file Tcpip.sys incorrectly modified by another patch, this will cause tcp-z not start correctly.
Suggestion: Restore the original file Tcpip.sys, restart computer, then try TCP-Z again.
Posted by deepxw at 11:39 | 49 comments
Labels: TCP-Z
TCP-Z Support Windows 7 x64 Build 7000
Thursday, January 8, 2009
OS: Windows 7, Build 7000
Platform: 64bit, x64
Tcpip.sys version: 6.1.7000.0 (winmain_win7beta.081212-1400)
TCP/IP Half Open Connection Limited Default Value: 10
TCP-Z V2.4 Build 20090108 can patch this version of Windows 7.
Posted by deepxw at 23:34 | 110 comments
Labels: TCP-Z
TCP-Z, V2.5, Build 20090205 Release, beautiful UI
Download Link 1: TCPZ_20090205.zip
Download Link 2: TCPZ_20090205.zip
The arrow in the Chart of TCP-Z needs font "Wingdings 3". If you can not see it, please install this font.
TCP-Z User Guide (With Picture)
Project Name: TCP-Z (TCP-Z Network Monitor)
Support OS: Windows XP SP2 SP3/2003/2008/Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7, All 32bit (x86) / 64bit (x64)
Event ID 4226 Patcher, EvID4226 fix, TCP/IP Patch, TCP Half Open Connection Limited Patcher.
Raise the limited of half-open (incomplete outbound) TCP connection, Release the power of your network, download faster, and more task can be run at the same time.
1) Safe And Easy: Modifies Tcpip.sys in memory. The changes take effect immediately; do not need to restart the computer.
2) Wide Compatibility: It searches limited offset through signature, no longer focused on the MS upgrade and update.
Support all version of Windows, Which with half-open limited.
3) Professional Chart: TCP-Z shows number of estabilished connection, half open connection, Create depth, download/upload speed in real-time.
And software will show the number of warnings events in per-minute, which TCP half open connection overload.
* Usages *
1) Manually: Use GUI application tcpz.exe / tcpz64.exe to modify limited value.
2) Automatically: Install TCP-Z Virtual Device. It modify limited value automatically without human intervention. Use Device Manager property page to customize the maximum value.
Two version TCP-Z can run an independent, you can choose one of them.
If you want to direct patch file tcpip.sys, please try another tool "Universal Tcpip.sys Patch".
More information about tcpip.sys File Patch, you can visit: TCP/IP Patcher Compare Technical Features

2008.12.27 V2.3.0.42
* Change digital signature of program files.
+ GUI program, modify UI, add a beautiful skin.
+ GUI program, display limited address in kernel memory, and file “Tcpip.sys”. For compatibility, only display low part in 64bit OS.
* Fixed: unknown file limited value in Windows 7 Build 6.1.6936.0, and Windows 2003 5.2.3790.4331.
* Fixed: file patch Fail in windows XP SP3, because unable disable WFP.
# Drivers has no changes.
2008.12.29 V2.3.1.43
* GUI program, Remove the function of disable WFP, because Compatibility of this code is not so good.
And because there is no disabled SFC, patch file will not to a 100% success, because Windows will automatically resume tcpip.sys.
Another way, use Memory patch method.
Old Version: TCPZ_20081229.zip
2009.01.08 V2.4.0.46
+ Windows 7 x64 6.1.7000.0 Memory Patch.
+ GUI program, support keyboard control. Thank Aldares.
Ctrl + Tab = switch tab; Tab = switch control.
* GUI program, File Patch, improve compatibility of disable WFP in Windows XP. Thank BRD-IlLusioN-CCCP.
* GUI program, fixed, user interface in non-standard DPI can not correctly display.
Old Version:: TCPZ_20090108.zip
2009.02.05, V2.5.1.50
* GUI program, identify whether tcpip.sys is the original file without modification.
* GUI program, supports Windows XP x64 SP1 early version.
* GUI program & Drivers, supports Windows Vista SP2 RC v.275, x64, 6.0.6002.16659.
Posted by deepxw at 23:30 | 269 comments
Why TCP-Z prompt "Fail to load driver"
Friday, January 2, 2009
Some times, KIS 2009 will block TCP-Z to load driver. You can change the right of TCP-Z in KIS applicaton rules, and allow TCP-Z to load driver.
If can't solved, you can try to use File Patch. File Patch in Windows XP is enable in TCP-Z.
If you want to patch in Vista, you can choose another File Patch.
Posted by deepxw at 13:07 | 44 comments
Labels: TCP-Z
TCP-Z Center
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Project Name: TCP-Z (TCP-Z Network Monitor)
Support OS: Windows XP SP2 SP3/2003/2008/Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7, All 32bit (x86) / 64bit (x64)
(Event ID 4226 Patcher, EvID4226 fix, TCP/IP Patch, TCP Half Open Connection Limit Patch.)
Remove / increase the limit of half-open (incomplete outbound) TCP connections, Release the power of your network, download faster, and more task can be run at the same time.
Notice: The newest Windows Vista/2008 SP2, Windows 7 is unlimited in default, please read this article:
Say Bye To Half-open TCP Connections Limit In Vista/2008 SP2
Read more detail information about TCP-Z V2.5 ...
Read more detail information about TCP-Z V2.6.0.66 ...
Read more detail information about TCP-Z V2.6.1.42 ...
Download the TCP-Z now!
TCP-Z User Guide (With Picture)
TCP/IP Patcher Compare Technical Features
All article / post about the TCP-Z...
Welcome join TCP-Z translation (The new V2.6)...
Posted by deepxw at 10:53 | 368 comments
Download Latest Version
TCP-Z | Universal Tcpip.sys Patch | Universal Theme Patcher | Remove Watermark |
Universal Termsrv.dll Patch
Latest Update: 2009.04.09 V2.6.2.75* Hide the tunnel type of Adapter in Vista/Windows 7.
* Increase the range of searcher, supports Windows 7 6.1.7077.0 (winmain_win7rc.090404-1255), x86.
Note: V2.6 does not contain the Virtual Drive.
For patch automatically, use the command line, or download the old version V2.5.
Switch UI language between Russian, it will take effect at next start.
V2.6.2.75, Build 20090409 (without Virtual Drive)
Additional Language pack:
(Open the link in new window, click "Download" or the left big icon to download the file.)
Click here to browse all files.
Spanish by XaviForce: tcpz_ESP.zip
Greek by Elias Hantzakos: tcpz_ELL.zip
V2.5.1.50, Build 20090205 (with Virtual Drive)
Download at www.Softpedia.com Download at www.BrotherSoft.com
TCP-Z is Patch In Memory, not modify the original Tcpip.sys file.
If you want to direct patch file Tcpip.sys, please try "Universal Tcpip.sys Patch".
UI language supports list:
Thank them!
Universal Tcpip.sys Patch
Latest Update: V1.2.0.12 Build 200904092009.04.09 V1.2.0.12
+ UI support Multil language. Polish by PrEzi, thanks!
* Remove last space in user32.dll.mui.
* Increase the range of searcher, supports Windows 7 6.1.7077.0 (winmain_win7rc.090404-1255), x86.
Additional language files:
Russian by MikeChirkov: utp_RUS.zip
Spanish by XaviForce: utp_ESP.zip
Universal Theme Patcher
Latest Update: V1.5.0.22, Build 20090409+ Support external language file.
+ Indentify the file has been cracked by other patch. (nLite)
* Allow UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe to patch the 32bit files in \windows\syswow64.
Additional language files:
Russian by MikeChirkov: ThemePatcher_RUS.zip
Remove Watermark
V0.8, Build 20090509+ In Windows 7 beta version, remove the string "This copy of Windows is not genuine".
Test in Windows 7 6.1.7100.0, OK.
Go to this page to download, please read the construction carefully!
Universal Termsrv.dll Patch
V1.0b, Build 20090425* Fix a bug in xp.reg. Thanks godolphinaim!
Posted by deepxw at 09:19 | 502 comments